Our Expertise

Capital Market

Our capital market team has a reputation for handling its work in the specialised fields of debt markets, equity capital markets and investment funds. We have been advising and assisting the Government, Public Sector Entities, as well as private parties on initial public offerings, qualified institutional placements, follow-on public offer, offer for sale, foreign currency convertible bonds offering, global depository receipts offering as well as listing of debt instruments and matters pertaining to Indian Security Law.

Our team offers our clients multi-source solutions, structures and flexibility to raise any form of finance, whether they are listed corporations exploring more complex markets or unlisted companies trying to establish themselves in the market for the first time. Through the development and diversification of capital market, we have tried to be a trusted partner of our clients, trying to provide them with round the clock assistance in ever changing dynamics and legal landscape of the capital market.

Our team is well acquainted with the domestic and cross-border financing laws and regulations. They diligently engage with clients on matters revolving around compliance, approval, contracts and documentations on funds raising through IPOs, right issues, offer of sale, private placement, QIBs, FCCBs, Bonds, etc. We unerringly assist our clients to meet the strict timeline based compliances/requirements mandated by the capital market regulators namely RBI, SEBI, Sensex (SX), Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), specifically on takeovers, buy-backs, delisting, secondary share sale, etc. 

Debt Capital Market:

Our team regularly acts as a legal advisor to most issuers, underwriters, investment bankers, investors, and trustees in offerings of debt securities by Indian and International investors.  We have extensively advised on public and private placement of issue of secured/unsecured, convertible/non-convertible debentures and other similar instruments.

Equity Capital Market

Our team has been performing the role of a legal counsel to issuers and market intermediaries regarding domestic Initial Public Offerings, Right Issue, Private Placement, Take Over Regulations and Buyback. Our team also represents our clients for approval of their listings on the stock exchange, which involve the submission of documentations, certifications and letters to assist our clients in meeting the listing requirements. Aditionally, we provide rebust and technically advance services in getting underwriting agreements and other documents finalised.

Key Contacts:

Mr Gaurav Rana

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Mr Ajitesh Kumar

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Key Contacts:

Mr Gaurav Rana

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Mr Ajitesh Kumar

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